Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Red Cross says "Are you Ready?"

In January, there was an earthquake in Haiti. In February, an earthquake in Chile. In March, a swarm of quakes in Southern California. And as the temblors get closer to home, you might be wondering, "Just when will an earthquake strike Oregon…and will I be ready?"


April is Earthquake Preparedness Month, the perfect time to plan for when "the big one" hits our area. And we know it will. There have been about 40 documented great earthquakes along the Cascadia Subduction Zone and we're already overdue for the next one.

A small investment of time and money can save lives in a disaster. This month, make it a priority to get a kit, make a plan and be informed about the natural disasters that can strike our state.


To help you get prepared, use code EARTHQUAKE for a 20 percent discount on the five featured items at the link above. Starting at just $12, there's no reason not to be ready for anything.