Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Drop, Cover and hold on?

April Earthquake Proclamation Month

Practice the Right Thing to Do.
It Could Save Your Life.
Who: You
What: Earthquake drill
When: April 21, 2010, 2 PM
Where: Right where you are
Why: Practice makes perfect sense
How: Drop, cover and hold on!
Learn more by watching the
video http://www.clackamas.us/emergency/shakedown/.

On April 21, 2010, Clackamas County will be conducting its annual, State-mandated, earthquake drill. All government employees are required to practice how to Drop, Cover and Hold On – the recommended personal protective action to take during an earthquake.

You will be more likely to react quickly when shaking begins if you have actually practiced how to protect yourself on a regular basis. A great time to practice Drop, Cover and Hold On is by participating in the Clackamas County Shakedown on April 21st.